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By Philip Dossick

Now in its 3rd printing, Philip Dossick’s brilliant ancient research illustrating the humanity, technology, and savagery of the Aztec state, Aztecs: Epoch of Social Revolution takes us right into a international we proposal we knew, yet won't ever look a similar again.

Drawn from unique examine, Aztecs starkly illuminates their fabulous achievements – in addition to the social injustice and corrupting nature of strength following their conquest.

Whatever obscure and misty thoughts the remainder of the area can have of the Aztecs, they have been prior masters of warfare; technological know-how; agriculture; faith; artwork; cash; kinfolk; ritual sacrifice; legislations, and feminine subjugation. some of the most very good and contradictory humans the realm has ever identified, all obvious the following via vibrant snapshots in time.

PHILIP DOSSICK is the recent York occasions significantly acclaimed author and director of the movie The P.O.W. He has written for tv, together with the exceptional drama, Transplant, produced by means of David Susskind for CBS. His latest books comprise Aztecs: Epoch Of Social Revolution, intercourse And desires, Mark Twain In Seattle, The bare Citizen: Notes On privateness within the Twenty-First Century, Raymond Chowder And Bob Skloot needs to Die, The Deposition, Vincent Van Gogh: insanity And Magic, Oscar Wilde: Sodomy and Heresy, Abraham Lincoln: five Speeches that modified the United States, Lenny Bruce: the parable of unfastened Speech, occasions That test Men's Souls: Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Paine on Slavery and Civil Disobedience, grasp and Protégé: Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot, Ghost Dance Prophets: Wovoka, Lincoln, and Franz Boas, Voces de Libertad, and Arrested! usa vs. Susan B. Anthony relating to a Woman's correct to Vote.

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Aztecs: Epoch Of Social Revolution by Philip Dossick

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